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Cordell Crazy Shad

Cordell Crazy Shad

The Cotton Cordell Crazy Shad is a classic topwater bait with dual spinning blades is great to chop and roll the surface water. With it's compact design it increases hooksets and allows for long casts. It is commonly used on schooling fish

Price: $5.19 - $6.19

# Of Colors: 9

To order, select the quantity (QTY) of the item's color/size you want below and the 'Add to Cart' button will appear below your selection. You can either add individual item(s) to your shopping cart one-by-one or make multiple QTY selections and then use the "Add All Item(s)To Cart" button. The available QTY for each color/size is the current inventory for that SKU. (The QTY count is per pack not the number of individual items in the package). In stock items typically will ship the same day as ordered. If an item shows "Temporarily Out of Stock", we are awaiting a new shipment on that item from our supplier. Our inventory is continuously updated throughout the day, so if an item is listed as out of stock, check back frequently for current inventory status. If you cannot find a specific lure or color/size combination, please call us at 270.825.9997 and, if it's available, we will get it for you at the best price. We are here to help!
  • Blue Back Herring
    Stock Level
    Select QTY
    Out Of Stock.
    Blue Back Herring
    UPC: 020495039163
  • Bluegill
    Stock Level
    Select QTY
    Out Of Stock.
    UPC: 020495039156
  • Chrome Black Back
    Stock Level
    Select QTY
    Out Of Stock.
    Chrome Black Back
    UPC: 020495000019
  • Chrome/Blue Back
    Stock Level
    Select QTY
    Out Of Stock.
    Chrome/Blue Back
    UPC: 020495002518
  • Clear/Blue Nose
    Stock Level
    Select QTY
    Out Of Stock.
    Clear/Blue Nose
    UPC: 020495002532
  • Frog
    Stock Level
    Select QTY
    Out Of Stock.
    UPC: 020495002563
  • Green Pearl Shad
    Stock Level
    Select QTY
    Out Of Stock.
    Green Pearl Shad
    UPC: 020495039187
  • Moon eye Shad
    Stock Level
    Select QTY
    Out Of Stock.
    Moon eye Shad
    UPC: 020495039170
  • Smoky Joe
    Stock Level
    Select QTY
    Smoky Joe
    UPC: 020495002525

Below are some other Cotton Cordell items you may be interested in...

Cordell C41 Boy Howdy
The Cotton Cordell Boy Howdy has dual props that stretched out and gurgle like a wounded baitfish just begging for mercy. It is one of the best topwater baits you can throw for schooling fish because it can be fished aggressively or with a subtle action that will draw fish back up after they've gone down.
Price: $5.89 - $6.19

# Of Colors: 4

Cordell Pencil Popper
The Cotton Cordell Pencil Popper is one of the most underrated topwater baits on the market. It's a standard tool for striper fishing and has an action and sound that will elicit strikes from pressured bass. It has a weighted tail that produces potent topwater action and gives it an extra long cast.
Price: $7.09 - $9.19

# Of Colors: 41

Cordell Susp Wally Diver
Cotton Cordell's most popular walleye lure, the Wally Diver has been catching big 'eyes for long enough to have earned the title of "Legendary." Few anglers hit the water without one. The Suspending Wally Diver is unique in that it reaches depths of 20 feet when trolled and teases fish by sitting motionless on the pause. A wide variety of color patterns have proven themselves on the Great Lakes and small waters alike. Durable Cordell construction and top quality components make the Suspending Wally Diver a top walleye producer that stands the test of time.
Price: $5.59 - $6.39

# Of Colors: 4

Cordell C77 Big O
The late Cotton Cordell transformed Fred Young's wooden Big O carving into plastic in 1973 to create a tougher, more consistently running bait, and more than a million were sold during that first year. The Big O retains that original fish-catching action, buoyant body and cover-deflecting ability as Young's original, but you can depend on each Big O to run true right out of the box, at the same depth, every time.
Price: $5.59 - $6.79

# Of Colors: 17